Our Responsibility

Sailing Yachting is one of the most green sector of the tourism industry, since the 80% of the Yachting trips are made with the wind power and not with petroleum engines.
Even when Yachts are using their eco engines, the fuels are clean and distilled, and for all the corporate Yachts, tax free. The exterior design of the yachts, the materials that will be used, the interior decoration, but also the final disassembly are occupied by the principles of sustainability in order to favor the recycling at the end of their life cycle.
At the same time and beyond the ecological sensitivity of our Yachts, as a company we implement our own strategy.
•We are limiting our environmental footprint Both at our headquarters and at our bases in Marinas, we support recycling processes and encourage our Vacation Clients and partners to think and act with an environmentally way.
•Waste and cigarette recycling program. In collaboration with our partners at the berths and marinas, we implement a program of waste collection and recycling, by encouraging our customers who rent our Yachts to use it, during check in check out. Plastics and toxic chemicals in cigarette butts are known to be some of the most hazardous wastes in the aquatic environment.
For this reason we choose to install special waste containers and collection bins for the proper disposal of cigarette butts, in most marinas and ports.